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Joel John, ASLA, OCNT, Ohio Pesticide Applicators License

Co-owner, President

Joel is a registered Landscape Architect with a degree in Landscape Architecture from The Ohio State University. He has over 35 years experience working with residential and commercial landscape design/build firms throughout Ohio and Michigan. Joel spent three years working in apprenticeship with NBBJ in the Landscape Architecture and Planning Studio and has serves annually on committees Ohio National Landscape Association and has been a judge for the National Awards competition for National Association for Landscape Professionals. He has a strong passion for proper bed preparation, plant use, environmental sound practices for work passions (recycling). Joel lives in Dublin with Molly and their two kids. In his spare time he enjoys working out, golfing, playing basketball and following the Buckeyes.

Molly John

Co-owner, Vice President

Molly received her degree in Landscape Architecture from The Ohio State University. She has over 25 years experience in the landscape design/build and maintenance environment. She has served the last few years on the Membership committee with ONLA and was recently appointed to their Board of Directors. In addition she has served as Co-Chairman of the CLA Outdoor Living and Landscaping Tour. Molly has also been a member of the Delta Delta Delta House Corporation for many years and served as their treasurer for most of those years. In her spare time she loves watching her kids participate in their numerous sporting events, working out and maintaining the 25 flower pots she has at her own home.


Grady Cobb, OCNT, Ohio Pesticide Applicators License

Maintenance Foreman

Grady comes to M.J. Design with a degree in Landscape Architecture from The Ohio State University. Immediately after graduating from Ohio State, Grady worked on the grounds crew at Muirfield Village Golf Club in Dublin for two years which included working during the Presidents Cup in 2013. He joined the M.J. staff in 2014. During his free time Grady likes to run, go to church, and travel around the country with his dad to play on difficult golf courses and in golf tournaments.


Kelly Darrow

Office Manager

Kelly, our office manager, comes to M.J. with a degree in Health Administration from Auburn University. (Yes, we hired her even though she didn’t go to OSU.) Kelly has familiarized quickly to the Landscape Industry and lives in Dublin with her husband and has two children. Her daughter is attending Purdue University in Veterinary Medicine, and her son attends Ohio University. During her free time, she enjoys going to the lake with her family and sitting in the sun with a nice glass of wine.

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Michael Davie, OCNT

Garden Manager

Michael comes to use with an Associate Degree in Landscape Design Management from Columbus State Community College. He operated a small landscape maintenance company for 3 years and worked as a project manager for HRH Landscapes, Ltd. for 5 years. When asked his favorite plant, he had a hard time deciding between Plumbago, (for its color), Heuchera (for color and texture), and Hollyhock (for its large colorful flower). Michael resides in West Jefferson with his wife, April, and two children, Jayden and Mya. 


Amanda Murphy, OCNT Grower, Core & Landscape

Sustainability Manager

Amanda designs and coordinates seasonal color, container plantings, and holiday decor for both residential and commercial clients. She has a degree in Business Administration from Western State College in Colorado, where she managed the landscape division of a construction company and has had a focus in garden design ever since. This past year she returned to her roots in Upper Arlington to be with her family. When Amanda is not working, you will find her spending time in her garden at home, hanging out with family, or outside skiing, biking or running. 


Sue York

Office Assistant

Sue comes to M.J. with a degree from Bowling Green State University in Management Information Systems. Sue helped implement our new time tracking and client database.  Sue lives in Plain City with her husband and has a daughter who is attending Lincoln Memorial University in Tennessee. During her free time, she enjoys doing crafts and being outside (when it’s warm).


Kate Wilson

Account Manager

Kate holds a B.A. in Art from Wittenberg University, and an A.S. from CSCC in Landscape Design and Management. With over two decades of industry experience, she’s a seasoned professional. Her unique blend of experience in art, horticulture and landscape maintenance makes her a valuable team member. Her personal garden serves as a testing ground for inventive plant combinations, reflecting her passion for the field.

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Tracey McCurrach

Administrative Assistant

Tracey, our part-time office assistant, earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois and her MBA from Northwestern University. She has had a varied 35+ year professional career, primarily in small business and as an instructor at the college level. She is also proud to have survived raising her daughter and her two older sons. She Lives in Plain City with 15 horses, 2 dogs, 5 cats, 4 chicken, 1 donkey and 1 pot belly pig.

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Certified Office Dog

Our beloved four-legged helper and office support... His job is RUFF!

We have employed legal Hispanic workers since 2003. We utilize the Federal Governments H2B Temporary Seasonal Worker Program. The men are recruited in Mexico and then come here with valid passports and Visas that specifically state that they are here to work for M.J. Design. They are allowed to work here for 10 months and then must return to Mexico for at least 60 days. In the last few years we have sponsored some of our men for Permanent Resident cards and they successfully obtained them in 2018. Our men usually arrive March 1 and return home around Thanksgiving. Most of them reside near Zacatecas, Mexico. They come here to provide their families back home with a better life. What they make here in a day would take them a month to earn in Mexico. They are truly a great group of men and we are very fortunate to have found them.

Geronimo Lopez Beltran

Geronimo has been with us since 2004, and in 2018 he obtained his Permanent Residence. He serves as our Head Landscape Foreman. He has learned a lot in his time with us and has picked up on Joel’s attention to detail.  He is very conscientious, a hard worker and will do anything asked of him.  Geronimo is from Zacatecas, Mexico where he lives with his wife and 4 children. He enjoys playing soccer on the weekends with other team members and loves Chipotle.


Lorenso Beltran Garcia

Lorenso is one of our Maintenance Foremen and has been working with us since 2006. He is a “Happy-go-Lucky” guy, who always has a smile on his face. He is from Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico, where he lives with his wife and three young children. He is happy to have family with him here in Ohio and loves Donatos Pizza and Cane’s.


Antonio Lopez Beltran

Antonio was recruited by his cousin Geronimo and started working for M.J. Design in 2007. He is considered “Mr. Muscles”, as he is very strong. He is also our stone guy.  He does a great job on dry-laid flagstone paths and walls. He serves as a Landscape Foreman. Antonio is from Sain Alto, Zacatecas Mexico, where he lives with his wife and four children. When home in Mexico he will work in construction, as well as, farming beans and corn. He enjoys watching baseball and going to Chipotle.


Ismael Arriaga Ordaz

Ismael comes to M.J. Design from Monterrey, Mexico. He has worked for us since 2007. He is one of our Maintenance Foreman. Ismael has turned into a great pruner and has learned the art of selective hand pruning. He is very quiet and you will often find him listening to music via his headphones. He is the youngest in his family with 3 older sisters. Ismael is married, and he and Maria just recently had their second child. He likes to watch basketball, but soccer is his favorite sport and he plays with other staff members on a team during the summer in Columbus. He enjoys the parks and outdoors in Ohio.


Victor Guzman Martinez

Victor has been part of the team since 2012. Victor also helps with translations for staff and he is getting more confident in speaking English with clients. Victor is here on a Permanent Resident status. He leaves his wife of 9 years, Jennifer, and daughter, Scarlett, back in Vicente Guerrero, Durango to come be a part of the team.  In his free time you will find him listening to rock-n-roll, playing video games or kicking the soccer ball. 


Ernesto Garcia Guzman

Ernesto is a permanent Resident and joined our team in 2014. He is a Maintenance Foreman. He is working hard on learning English in order to increase his communication skills with clients. He is from Vicente Guerrero, Durango. In his free time, you will find him out running on the soccer field or reading the most recent novel. 

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8463 Estates Court

Plain City, OH 43064


Monday – Friday, 8am - 5pm

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