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M.J. Design is Bi-Lingual

You may know that M.J. staff consists of both American & Hispanic staff. M.J. works hard to speak both languages. We go the extra mile to make sure that all items are labeled in both English and Spanish. We even do company meetings in both languages. When there is information that is more detailed, or we need to make sure that the information is being relayed accurately, we have two staff, Victor and Zeke, who help with translation. Joel and Michael are good with the Spanglish in that they both flip back and forth between languages at a moment’s notice. It’s amazing to hear, and it’s almost a habit for both of them. During company meetings, the staff will speak in both English and Spanish to keep everyone on track. This year, the staff is working hard to learn both languages by using the “Phrase of the Week.” The phrase of the week cannot be spoken in your native language. It makes it fun to push each other out of our comfort zones and try another language.

Last Week’s Phrase: Be Careful! ¡Tien Cuidado!


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