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Health & Safety is Our Highest Priority

Dear Clients and Friends:

We certainly have entered unique times as they relate to world, national and local health. While we don’t want to come across as panicking, I feel it necessary to reach out to you to let you know how we are proactively preparing to service you with your health and safety and the health and safety of our team members in mind.

Let me be clear. Your health and the health of our team members is my highest priority. Period.

It is important for you to know that we have always encouraged our team members to interact with you and we intend to continue to do so. We will, however, be advising and training them on best practices for social interactions with our clients and each other.

As we have kicked off the 2020 season, our safety meeting this week emphasized to our team members the best health practices to contain the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and any other common cold:

  • Emphasized the importance of frequent hand washing and instruct correct procedure.

  • Educate on how best to cough or sneeze to limit airborne contamination.

  • Frequent reminders to avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.

M.J. Design has instituted a procedure to self-police within our organization when team members become sick. Management will INSIST that any team member feeling ill will stay home until they are symptom free for 24 hours. We recognize that many of our team members NEED to work every day to pay their bills and support their families.

Consequently, some may be reluctant to even admit to feeling ill or take time off if they feel sick. To combat this, we provide sick pay for our full-time staff and will extend this to our seasonal staff as well and compensate team members to stay home when they are ill. Please understand that this may cause some minor delays in job progress at times, although we will mitigate any inconvenience to you.

I want you to know that we are not turning a careless eye to this health challenge. I take your health even more seriously than that of your gardens. We have a proactive plan for your health and safety and for the health and safety of our team members. I feel that combating this virus threat is a responsibility we ALL must take upon ourselves as community members. These are the initial steps we have taken to do our part.

As additional actions are recommended by Public Health Officials, we will implement them as well.


Molly M. John


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