The Perfect Christmas Tree
After the holildays, we are happy to assist with recycling your tree, just give us a call—we'll arrange a pickup!
The Perfect Christmas Tree
Fall Lawn Maintenance
Bulb Planting 101
Aerating Your Lawn: Fall is the Time!
Recycling…Made Even Easier!
Muirfield Garden Club Visits the M.J. Gardens
Fall Color Planning
Pollinator-Friendly Plants
The Best Watering Techniques
Our Pruning Practices
Core Principles of Our Designs
Cutting Back Bulb Foliage
Got Girdling Tree Roots?
Spring Has Sprung? Not Yet!
Container Gardening Done Right
Oh Deer! ...Some of the Biggest Culprits
Keeping Our Earth-Friendly Commitments
The Brood X Cicadas are Coming this Year!
Recovering Your Landscape from Snow… Good, bad, Ugly
Winter Pruning