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Mar 24, 2023
What Plants to Prune Now & Why
It's finally early spring! Note, there are a few plants that you should avoid major pruning during this season...

Aug 22, 2019
Crazy Summer Heat?
In Ohio, we're seeing the extremes—record rainfall amounts over a 15-month period, followed by a period of limited rain fall. Plants are

Jul 17, 2019
Are you Seeing Skeleton Leaves?
It’s that time when the adult Japanese beetles emerge from the soil and begin their feeding frenzy—and they will feed on a wide variety of f

Jul 17, 2019
Weeds, Weeds... Go Away!
With the ground being so wet, you may see new weeds pop up overnight. The biggest help is to catch them early. Here are some ways we help co

Jun 24, 2019
Summer Pruning: Shaping, Rejuvenating & Stimulating More Flowering!
Professional pruning is an art, not a science. Best-practice pruning takes a lot of training and experience—not every plant should get the s

Jun 24, 2019
Are you Seeing a Fungus on your Crabapple Trees?
What is it? Mr. Will King with Ahlum & Arbor, suggests that with the cool nights and wet weather we’ve had, it is a good chance that it

May 24, 2019
Planning a Summer Perennial Garden
A well-planned perennial garden can be just as bright and vibrant as a garden with annuals—and you don’t have to replant it each year!

Aug 24, 2018
Practical Answers for Your Property
There is no perfect answer to the problems that have popped up this season, but we always look to provide environmentally-friendly and pract

Aug 23, 2018
Landscape Peer Group Visits M.J.
Molly and Joel recently had the opportunity to host their landscape peer group at our facility. This is always a unique experience with smal

Jul 23, 2018
To Water or Not to Water...
Record rains to very dry and record heat. It has been a crazy Summer 2018! This weather leads to one of our many daily tasks—watering. Plant

Jul 24, 2017
How Much Should You be Watering?
Most people seem to either do too much or too little... but remember Mother Nature can take care of a lot of the guess work for you. Read th

Jun 23, 2017
Keep Fertilizing throughout Summer
When it comes to keeping your annuals looking healthy and growing all season, we recommend fertilizing them every 3 to 4 weeks—as they have

Jun 23, 2017
Thin Your Plants with Proper Summer Pruning
Cutting back is another way to encourage your perennials to produce healthy, new growth—and of course they’ll look tidier! Summer pruning di

May 23, 2017
Choosing & Planting those Annuals!
Remember to wait until the threat of frost is gone and the soil has warmed to 60 degrees. Try Sunpatiens, Dragon wing Begonias or Cabbage Pa

May 22, 2017
Plant Wand vs. Spray Nozzle?
If you are using a spray nozzle to spray water over your plants, let’s rethink your watering technique! Many people think that a plant wand

Mar 13, 2017
Spring Pruning of Roses
Rejuvenate Roses with a Hard Annual Pruning. Prune to shape and clean out—dead wood and worn out branches, along with weak and spent...

Feb 17, 2017
Think Summer Annuals!
Six more weeks of winter? Ha. We're making plans for annual flowers! On Ground Hog’s Day, both Buckeye Chuck and Punxsutawney Phil saw...
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